Sep 2, 2009

22 Notes for My Twenty Two

Hey, Gals. Thx for coming into this site. Well, this is the way I celebrate the twenty two. Please enjoy it. First I wanna thx God as the master of this life. He had made me as a human especially a muslimah. Then peace be upon Muhammad SAW and also for his family, relatives, best friends and the ummah including us. Thx also for mom and dad and sisters.

Then, what d'ya think when you reach 22 years old in your life? for me, it’s my second step of the first mature degree after being 21. So, what about life? What d’ya think of it. Life is not only about birth, copulation and death. They come because Allah had made them to us. Then we shouldn’t ever worry by them. We were born to this world because of copulation and then we die.

Life is a game. We take the control and act as the driver of our life. But don’t forget that Lord is the executor. He is the producer and also the director.

Then thx to 22 friends of mine who had written 22 notes for me. Those are about life and friendship. This is my twenty two then I need more meaning about what life and friendship is. So, what’re you waiting for? Let’s check their notes on the following list:

  1. Dwi Rostia Wijayandari on How Worth Life is?
  2. Siti Mukhtalifah on A Story by Siti Mukhtalifah
  3. Rahma Larissa on Friendship between Man and Woman
  4. Dian Oktaviani on Friends
  5. Istiana Nurmaulidawanti on Alive
  6. Arif Nurwidyantoro on Letter from Your Friend
  7. Meiva Eka Sri Sulistyowati on Friendship
  8. Putri Nurul Aisyah on A Simply Love
  9. Rusma Wihdah on Friendship
  10. Muharrik on Life is a Gift
  11. Krishadi Nugroho on What Life Really is ….
  12. Nuryana Satia on What a Friend for
  13. Arhsa on Life is Worth
  14. Mel on untitled
  15. Bundo on What a Friendship is
  16. Rose Febrian Ciptaning on How Worth Life is?
  17. Lia Amalia on I’m Alive
  18. Reny Shintawati on How Worth Our Life is
  19. Finda on What’s Friendship? Humm..
  20. Dwi Setiadi on The Rusty Knight
  21. Betty Wijayanti on GIVE YOUR LIFE JUST TO ALLAH
  22. Noname on What Kindness Matters


KangBoed said...


KangBoed said...

selamat dan sukses selalu buat neng dhila mencipta dan berkarya serta berbagi bagi kami semua
salam sayang untukmu

Saka said...

apapun bahasanya... selamat ulang taun komengnya... :D

casrudi said...

Hahahaha.... ikut KangBoed sama kang Saka megang kavling disini...

Selamat untuk diLA...

Ade said...

waa langsung meluncur.. 22 yaa? selesainya ntar pas buka kayaknya hehehe

aldy said...

Wah...mohon dimaaf seribu maaf, hamba tak pun lagi paham yang dituliskan. Tetapi selepas hal itu, sayapun cuma nak ucapkan "SELAMAT ULANG TAHUN YANG KE 22, SEMOGA MENJADI BLOGGER YANG SUKSES".

Planet Orange said...

Selamat ulang tahun ya sob, semoga menjadi bloger yang sukses...

Sama nih,saya juga terlahir dibulan September.. :)

andif said...

selamat selamat..

bundadontworry said...

Selamat ulang tahun Dila
semoga Dila selalu diberikan rejeki kesehatan olehNYA, dan selalu berbagi pd sesama, sukses dlm segala aktivitas, amin.

skydrugz said...

it's hard, manage few blogs in the same time with different language.
But i think for Mrs. Dhila, it's easy. :D
(susahnya menulis pake bhs Inggris)

nakjaDimande said...

halah, halah.. Dhilaaa, punya rumah dimana-mana :)
sepetember ceria untukmu nak..

guskar said...

selamat menikmati september cerianya ya dhil... semoga sll sehat dan mendapatkan rejeki yg berlimpah. Amiin

deeedeee said...

Happy Birthday!!!
more comment in my poem ya, hihihihi

Pusat Alat Kesehatan Online said...

NGikuuut,...met ultah aja,..

Amey said...

so this is another blog of k' dhila?

so nice...
so cool...

teach me dong..(halah2..gabung2 gini bhs inggrisnya??)

Hadie said...

Happy birthday to you. Keep posting, Salam kenal dari hadi di bekasi

Anonymous said...

Dila ...happynya saya menjadi warganegara malaysia yang terpilih untuk menghadiahkan notes buat hari lahir mu ...

Kiranya kamu nikah nanti akan aku buat note yang panjang panjang dalam bahasa perancis ..

ok kan.
Happy birthday.
Careful ....jaga iman dan amal serta aurat sebagai seorang mukminah.

zulhaq said...

selamat ulang tahun selmat ulang tahun selamat ulang tahun. semoga apa yang di cita cintakan terwujud seiring dengan bertambahnya usia :)

shandyisme said...

happy milad.. :-)

Afif said...

Slamat Ultah..
Smoga sukses mbk :)

shekhotz said...

happy b'day to u...moga semua yang kamu cita-citakan dapat terpenuhi..dan semoga sukses selalu ya...untuk blognya maju terus...
sekali lagi met ultah sobat...
jadikan ulang tahunmu tahun ini lebih berarti....

cheers ~_^

aji said...

happy b'day.......
salam sayang...

Rychan said...

Wah berkunjung di rumah baru and mo ngucapin met ULTAH non...............telat!!!!!!!!! :D

Anonymous said...

semoga tambah dewasa dan sukses.
tetap semangat dalam berjuang dan berkarya...

semoga apa yang dicita2kan dapat tergapai.

maaf telat

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